Monday, September 30, 2024

Job - Faithful to the LORD

 Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!

   I am reading the Bible in a chronological Bible.  At this point I am in Job.  He did so much right in the eyes of the Lord.  Yet, satan was allowed to try to turn him away from the LORD.  
  Through losing everything Job remained faithful to the LORD.  Did he understand?  No, definitely not.  Did anyone else?  No!  His wife told him to curse God and die.  His 3 ""friends" came, sat quietly for seven days before speaking, then basically they became accusers that Job had done something wrong in the eyes of the LORD.
   Job rebuked them, but they still maintained he had sinned and was reaping what he had sowed.
   How often in our world is this our plight as well?  People accusing you or assuming you are to blame for something that was, in fact, not valid at all.
   How quick we are to point fingers and not accept the blame ourselves.  Then once this happens our pride will not allow us to admit we were in error and go to the party offended and apologize??
   Words hurt, words last, words cut deeper than the sharpest sword.  The old saying when we were kids;  "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me" was basically to try to get people to forgive and forget.  We can forgive, but forgetting is near impossible as the words cut very deep.
  I am certain all of us have been on either end of this situation. or possibly both.  A hard pill to swallow and hard to admit I was wrong.  I have had to do this with my daughters and it is difficult, yet necessary.
   Where are you today?  As Job wondering why?  Or as his friends pointing fingers and accusing?  Read Job.  It will make you think.  Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and grace

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