Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Job - How do friends respond?

 Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!

  Reading Job and his 3 "friend" who came to be with him.  The best they did was, at first, they were just silent and sat with Job.
  Then came the onslaught.  They are very good at pointing fingers and telling Job he must have done something wrong, something to anger God, he was not in God's will.
  Does this ever happen to you?  When a friend could come and just console you, sit with you, and be with you in support; then start taunting or pointing fingers at what they see as your iniquities?  
   Sometime a positive word would be helpful. But a constant barrage of finger pointing will wear on one and create anger and resentment.  This is what is happening to Job. His "friends" freely telling him he is wrong, he is not right with God, and on and on.
   WOW!  So often a soft word spoken in kindness will go a long way.  No, we are not perfect, but to be constantly told you are wrong, inferior, out of Gods will does nothing to help the situation.  Where, oh where is your compassion oh world.  Hate, anger, and control suffocates the planet.
   We, Christians, need to go into the world and share the joy and love of Jesus Christ and not be as Job's "friends".
   May your day be wonderful, bright, and may you say or do something to brighten someone's day.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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