Monday, October 14, 2024

 Good morning all.  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!

   Dr. Stanley gave a great message this morning and I wanted to share parts of it that we all, at one time or another, tend to violate.
   He was talking about Christians and how we should react to one another and others outside the Christian circle.  With love, humility, and our countenance should reflect this.
  So often little things will upset us.  Like: Why is that car tailgating me? That just makes me mad, that idiot.   Well, yes, it may become a dangerous situation, BUT, we must maintain our integrity and not create a situation that was avoidable.
  If I could just speak to him/her I would give him/her a piece of my mind.  Hmmm!  Really?  Proverbs 13:3  "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life; but, he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. KJV
  Proverbs 13:2  NIV  He who guard his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.

Wow!  Does this hit home with you?  It does with me.  Once the words come out of the mouth there is no taking them back, no white out, no delete, it is there.  Oh, yes, I have said I am sorry and have been forgiven, but the words are still out there.  Just like cyberspace.  Once posted, it is there.

Then I want to move along with kind of a side bar to watching our tongue.  Romans 6:23   So often the first part of this scripture is quoted to "SCARE" people to the LORD.   FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH;  ----then we stop.  The rest of the scripture is so, so very important -- BUT, THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!!    

Fear is a factor that often motivates us, but we cannot be "scared" into Christianity.  It is a FREE and OPEN gift from GOD.  All one has to do is ask Jesus into their life.  We don't need a wordy 2 or 3 minute talk, just a simple,  plain, "Jesus, I believe in you and ask you to come into my life".  DONE!!

Often we get emails, facebook, or other media with a post that tries to "shame" you into believing in Jesus.  You will get a post about Jesus and then at the end it says: "if you are not ashamed of Jesus repost this".  Huh?  I know Jesus as my personal savior and nowhere does it say I lose my salvation if I don't repost this picture/article' or other type of media.

Just trivia for you.  The most common phrase in the Bible is "FEAR NOT", and it is in the Bible 365 times. Once for each day of the year.  So FEAR NOT my friends, Jesus is gathering the troops, saddling up, and getting ready to return TRIUMPHANTLY!  

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