Friday, October 4, 2024

Job? Again? When friends point finger!!

 Good moring all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!

  Oh, how often are our "friends" or "family" quick to point out what they perceive as misgivings or mistakes.  Eliphaz the Temanite told Job it was his piety and wickedness that put him in this situation. He said Job gave no water to the weary, food to the hungry, stripped men of their clothing, sent widows away empty-handed and broke the strength of the fatherless. 
   He goes on to say that is why these perils terrifies him.  At the end of his rant Job replied.
   In Job 26 Job replied to his friends asking: have you helped the powerless, helped the feeble, why do you utter such words and what spirit spoke from your mouth?
  Then in Job 29 he says God's intimate friendship blessed his house, his children were around me, he sat in the public square young men stepped aside and old men rose to their feet.   He goes on to say whoever heard him spoke well of him. He made the widow's heart sing, was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, father to the needy, cared for the stranger, and broke the fangs of the wicked.
   In saying all this Job was accused of things he had not done; he rebuffs them with his response.  This is real today.
   When we look at the elections that are forth coming.  Many are as Job's friends and see things in only their eyes, conjuring up partial truths or lies to be true and then expect us all to believe.
   We experience this in our own lives.  When someone accuses you of something, yet has no factual proof, only a partial piece of the story and creates the rest.
   We have to maintain our integrity in the LORD, use our knee-mail, stay in fervent prayer, and reverent to the Living God.
   All is not what it seems.  Why is that car speeding?  Either an idiot or an emergency - yet we do not know.  Take time to know and pray about our actions - go forward not in anger and control, but go forth in the spirit of the LORD.
   Thanks for taking my rant. I'll leave Job alone for a while.  If you have time to read it, it definitely is interesting and may cast some insight on the world today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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