Wow! Is God great, greater, the greatest!?! When the Spirit of God is moving NOTHING, no, NOTHING can stop it. God comes to us as a whisper, as a blowing wind, or in a silent mode; we just have to be receptive and accept what HE sends our way.
Just to bring a reminder of something you already know, when judgment day comes you and I will stand before the living God and be held accountable for everything we ever did or did not do, for all we have said or did not say, and for our very obedience.
Obedience? Oh, I am obedient. I go to church every Sunday, pray before meals, I am obedient. Huh? What? Well, do you share the word of God, do you read your Bible, do you curse, drink too much, eat too much, help others in need, or do you DISTORT the WORD OF GOD to fit your lifestyle. Instead, your lifestyle should be molded to the WORD of GOD. We have to BEWARE!!
Jude verse 4 - "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our GOD into lasciviousness, and denying the only LORD GOD, and our LORD JESUS CHRIST."
Okay, let's break this down. Certain men crept in unawares - these are men and women who proclaim the truth, come in, get into positions of leadership in a church and twist the Bible's teaching to justify their own opinions. Whoa! Do you see this in politics - all sides?!?
Many first-century false teachers were teaching that Christians could do whatever they liked without fear of God's punishment. Wrong view of God's Holiness and justice.
When you look at "old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men" - these men were standing under the Old Testament and not standing under faith and salvation through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour.
If you look at "turning the grace of our GOD into lasciviousness-- turning here i Greek means "transfer" but this is negative transfer and misapplying the grace of GOD. They were teaching, preaching, spreading the word that we could do what we want (live immoral lives) and still enjoy forgiveness. In doing so it is obvious that these people deny the"only LORD GOD, and our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Feel good churches, do as you wish and be forgiven churches are wonderful TOOLS OF SATAN! Yes, we are forgiven, but not if we willing, openly, and defiantly are disobedient to the Word of God.
Those who truly have faith will show it by their deep respect for GOD ad their sincere desire to live according to the principles in his WORD! Thank you for reading, Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
p.s. Jude is short but has lots of good information