Friday, September 30, 2016

John - who is he? Is he important?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED! Jesu Jevu!
   John, and just who is he?  Is he the one who claims to have written Revelations? Was he even important?
Well, John was one of the original 12 apostles; brother to James; and wrote 5 books in the Bible. He wrote John, the Epistles of John (I,II,III) and Revelation.
  John's father is Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman, their mother was Salome. Jesus called him and James, they left their careers as fishermen and became His apostles.  John had been a disciple of John the Baptist; becoming followers of Jesus after Jesus was Baptized by John the Baptist.
     John was the "beloved disciple" of Jesus and later was given the care of Jesus' mother, Mary. John also outran Peter to the tomb; and he became one of the early leaders of the church, "the Way".  John and his brother James were called the "Sons of thunder" by Jesus (Mark 3:17).
   John was the only one of the disciples that was not put to death, excluding Judas who committed suicide.  He was exiled to the island of Patmos by the Emperor Domitian.  This is where John took quill in hand and wrote the book of Revelation.  John died of old age but gave us 5 books in the Bible, the 27th, Revelations, brings to light great hope in most Christians lives.  However, many do not understand what all is being said and don't read it; it is not a read - but a study. 
   May you gather as much out of viewing the men in the Bible as I have.  May God bless your day in more ways than you can imagine.  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Luke - Doctor - Doctor

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu.
   Luke, and just who is Luke.  Many of us know him as the author of Luke, but he also wrote Acts.  Luke was written around 63 A.D. and probably during his time with Paul in Rome; possibly the 2 years at Caesarea.
    The written authorities believe strongly that Luke wrote Acts because of the similarity of writing stylers and vocabulary in both books. 
   Luke was not an apostle, and not present with Jesus during His ministry and probably not a  believer until after Jesus' resurrection.  Luke was a physician and paid attention to detail and many eyewitness accounts.  This makes him credible as a historian for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  Okay, so who is Luke.  First, Luke was/is a gentile and his Greek name is Loukas.  Second, he is a physician; we know this because Paul referred to him as "the beloved physician" in Colossians 4:14.
   Next Luke was a humble man; he never addresses himself as the author of his books or by name as one of Paul's travel companions.
   Luke did meet with some of the apostles and gathered information and he was inspired and led by the Holy Spirit.  We also can assume that Luke knew Matthew and Mark.  Why?  Luke traveled with Paul; Mark traveled with Paul so they knew each other.  Also Mark and Matthew knew each other so it is safe to believe that Matthew and Luke knew each other.
  BIGGY HERE - Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 4 that only Luke remained with him until his death.  Luke was not the first to write about Jesus, he only wanted to share the truth that had already been written but for a bigger audience, gentiles probably.  Luke was an evangelist, a historian, a physician, a pastor, a missionary, a companion, a brother, and a theologian.  He wanted to share the EXACT truth concerning Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation.
  Luke gospel is a gospel of:
   song and praise;   prayer;  womanhood; the poor and outcast; (for) Gentiles; (for) the Greeks; artistic (beautiful book).  Some theologians say it is the best starting place for new believers.  I hope this helps you understand Luke more as it has helped me.  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

On your Mark!!!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!! Jesu Jevu!
   Who is Mark?  Mark, better known as John Mark was the author of the gospel MARK.  However, many (most) theologians believe that Mark was scribing what Peter told him.  Mark is told from the view and has specific mention of things that Peter had first hand knowledge of.
    Mark is the shortest of the gospels and contains 27 miracles, Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and some Prophetic Oracles.
    John Mark is thought to be Barnabas' nephew, whom Paul would not take with him at one time.  Later, in Timothy, Mark is of great use to Paul and was a missionary for Christ.  John is his Jewish name, and Mark is his Latin name.
   Mark is a young man, possibly a teenager, when he began to follow Christ.  Peter is believed to be his mentor after the death and ascension of Christ.
   Mark traveled with Paul on his mission trips and was referred to as John Mark (Acts).  Mark could be called the gospel of Peter, and it is written for the common man, in common language, and goes straight to the point.
   A quote from a reference (Patheos): Mark "is most recommended for those who are new to the faith because it is written in an easy to understand format.  The reason for this is that it is an uncomplicated book and goes right to the point when speaking about the gospel of Christ and being stripped of excess verbiage it could easily be read by the working masses and slaves."
   The purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to show that the Lord Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who was sent to suffer and to serve in order to rescue and restore mankind.
  Mark was written as the historic account of Peter in hopes people who would read it would believe, might repent, and then put their trust in Christ.
  Does it really matter who wrote the scripture? The Holy Spirit is the actual author of all Scripture, said to be God-breathed (2 Tim 3:16) and was not of human origin but by the Spirit as He moved men to write for Him (2 Peter 1:20-21).
   So, is Mark one of the original apostles? No, but he is instrumental and used by God to bring us the gospel according to Peter. A great read for new Christians.  Hope this helps. If you find error in my research please let me know.  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Friday, September 23, 2016

Who was Levi? Was he Matthew, the Apostle?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
   What do you (we) know about the Apostles of Jesus Christ?  It is kind of like knowing just a little bit of karate, we know just enough to get ourselves in trouble.  This is why I am going to the apostles and look at who they are.  To know more about them and to be able to talk intellectually about each one.
   There was a tax collector named Levi who was dishonest and driven by greed. (sounds like the IRS, lol) We first meet Levi (Matthew) in Capernaum in his tax booth on the main highway. He was collecting duties on imported goods brought by farmers, merchants, and caravans.
    Under the Roman Empire's system, Levi (Matthew) would have paid all the taxes in advance, then collected from the citizens and travelers to reimburse himself.   The tax collectors were notoriously corrupt because they extorted far and above what was owed, to ensure their personal profit. Because their decisions were enforced by Roman soldiers, no one dared object. (IRS)
  Levi met Jesus and it is not clear if Jesus changed his name or he changed it.  Matthew comes from Mattathias which means "the gift of God". The same day Jesus invited him to join him, he threw a feast at his home and invited people to come meet Jesus. The promised Messiah of the Jews.  After this Matthew still collected; but instead of collecting money he began collecting souls for the LORD.
  Matthew was sinful, but he was an accurate record keeper and could watch and evaluate people well.  This served him well when he wrote the gospel of Matthew.
  Here is a sinful, crooked tax collecting man who many would say is not a candidate to be a follower of Jesus Christ.  However, when Jesus called him he immediately followed Jesus and did not look back. He left a life of wealth and security for a life of poverty and uncertainty.
    Here was a man hated by the Jews; he cheated them, had them thrown in prison, and basically was not a nice man.  Jesus called this offensive man to follow Him. He did!
    Matthew did what we are called to do: abandon a world of pleasures for eternal life. Wow!  After Jesus' Crucifixion tradition says that Matthew preached for 15 years; then went into the mission field and spread the gospel to other countries.
     This is only one example of how God can use us.  Being a follower of Jesus Christ and spreading the gospel does not depend on our education, our social status, our material possessions; it depends on our commitment to Jesus Christ.  If we are open to the highest calling we could ever have in the world, being spokes person for Jesus Christ, then God will use us.  Are you open and ready for a move?  What is more important for you - your worldly life or being a minister of God?  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

2 Timothy 4: 19-22 A Final Call

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
   19 Salute Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.
Paul is sending greetings to Prisca and Aquila - some of Paul's early friends.  Aquila was a tent maker and they resided in Rome until the decree of Claudis, which ban all Jews from the capital. At this time they went to Corinth, where Paul spent time with Aquila.  It appears they were active teachers of "the Way".
   And the household of Onesiphorus - it is believed the he is dead; Paul sends his greeting to his friends household.
20 Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.
Erastus appears to be a friend in the "Way" with Paul. It is not exactly clear if this is his friend from Romans 16:23; or Eastus from Acts 19:22.
  Trophimus was a Christian who was with Paul on his third journey. Paul was accused of taking him into the temple and this accusation led to Paul's first long imprisonment.  Miletum was a seaport of Caria, 30 miles from Ephesus.  Why is he mentioned? Some believe it is to clear him of his neglect; what neglect I could not find.
   21 Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren.
    Of Eubulus little is known.  The name means "of good counsel"; and was thought to be a member of the church in Rome during Paul's time. 
was an early Christian saint and martyr. He is mentioned as a layman of the Roman Church here. According to tradition, he lodged Saint Peter and was baptised by him, and was martyred under Nero.
  Claudia can be included among the chief and honorable women of Gentile origin who heard and believed the Gospel. It appears she was a member of one of the great old houses in Rome.
   Linus, a Christian in Rome, the first bishop in Rome after the apostles, around A.D. 64.
  22 The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
This verse is self explanatory.  Jesus be with your spirit and praying grace for you. A great parting phrase used here.  I do hope this journey has helped some of you; I did gain a vast amount of knowledge and thank God for it.  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

2 Timothy 4:18 And the final reward

God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!   Good morning all.
   Paul has written to Timothy and the church; warning them, encouraging them and knowing what is to come.  Now, close to the end of Timothy, verse 18, Paul says:  18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
   Paul tells us the LORD shall deliver him from every evil work. This is an assumption of  Paul’s confidence that the Lord not only had, in the late trial, strengthened His servant, and given him courage to endure, but that He would watch over him in the future which still lay before him. 
   By the strength God gave Paul, and his steadfast ministering of the word of Jesus, he will come into the heavenly kingdom and live with Christ forever.  In short, Paul will be delivered from all the work, the toil, the punishing he received on earth while doing God's work and be residing in a heavenly place singing praises  and glorifying God forever. ⛪
   Wow!  What a great future to look forward to - being with God forever and forever.  When does that end? Never !  Yea! Are you ready to do likewise?  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Monday, September 19, 2016

2 Timothy 4:16 Stand tall, forgive, and carry the WORD forth!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
   16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: 16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
  Okay, let us recap briefly.  Remember when we left on Friday the conversation was about Alexander the copper-smith who openly opposed Paul. Reason: copper-smith made idols and jewelry for the goddess Diana of Ephesus.  Well, now we move on to verse 16 where Paul is telling us no man stood with him.  What does this mean?
  Paul is drawing out some facts here - which is worse - one who openly opposes Christianity such as Alexander?  OR, people of "the Way" (Christians) who do not stand with Paul when opposed by authorities, when the going gets tough?  Paul was on "the firing line" of Nero (and his judges) and anyone who stood with Paul was in danger of dire consequences as well.
   Paul realizes this and knows they basically "jumped ship" when big waves came rolling in. But look at the last part of this verse: 16........... I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.    Paul is asking God to forgive them for their actions. Wow!  Would you have done this? Or, said God give them what they deserve?  This is big on Paul's behalf, and it is called forgiveness!  He understands that his friends in the LORD may have been intimidated by the authorities and wants them forgiven, and, probably, he is trusting they will go on carrying the word to the gentiles.

17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
      Let's make this very simple. His friends deserted him, yet the LORD stood with him, did not desert him, and strengthened him.  Paul knows this.
    Next, Paul is just simply saying that the Word, through his commitment (to Jesus), may be know by all-even the gentiles will hear.  The hope or belief is that the gentiles, through his work and words, would come to the saving knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.
  and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.  Now, here, was Paul speaking of Nero and his judges or of real lions in the amphitheater?  OR, does it really matter.  In my mind, Paul is saying he was delivered - meaning going to a better place.  Where would that possibly be? In my mind meaning if he is executed he is heaven bound.  However, the biggest reason for Paul writing is most likely to encourage Timothy and the church to continue on, even when obstacles occur.  Maintain the faith, continue on, and trust in the Living GOD!  This is Paul's farewell and Timothy will now need to carry the Master's Word forth.
    This is what we are called to do - to CARRY THE MASTER'S (JESUS') WORD FORTH!  Are you up to the task at hand?  I pray so.  Please pray for friends, family, nations and nations leaders.  The world is in a downward spiral and through pray we can stop the spin, if it be God's will. Pray my friend, PRAY!  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Friday, September 16, 2016

2 Timothy 4:14-15 Who is Alexander?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
  14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:
Here Paul mentions Alexander the coppersmith.  It is probable this is the same Alexander in Acts 19:23-41 that was with the group of copper-smiths or braziers that created a confusion because Paul was teaching Jesus Christ, and they made jewelry and silver shrines for the goddess Diana of the Ephesians. These copper-smiths were led by Demetrius and Alexander was drawn out of the multitude.  Paul's teaching was leading the people away from Diana and creating a loss of income to the copper-smiths.  Also, Alexander is thought to be a Jew; this Alexander could have been a fanatic Pharisee  with Paul or maybe just a fanatic Jew and countered Paul's teachings whenever possible.
   When Paul says the Lord reward him according to his works:     he could be saying either God will judge him, or the will get what he deserves (a little vindication).
15 Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.     In this study, it is interesting to note that Alexander may have been one who taught/countered the Jesus movement (the Way).  Paul, in Acts 24:14 refers to "the Way". You can see more about "the Way" in the following verses: Acts 9:2; Acts 19:9; Acts 19:23; Acts 24:22.
     The Way is the Jesus movement and goes against many of the teachings of the Jews.  If Alexander was, indeed, a fanatic Jew, as was Paul, then he would have argued intently against Paul and his followers.  The harm and trouble with this is some of the followers, when faced with opposition, may have left the group in fear.  Have you ever not shared Jesus because of the fear of someone arguing or countering what you believe? When we are in the face of "evil" or unbelief we should ask God for guidance and let God speak through us for His glory and the rebuke with be withstanding.
  I pray that this is clear and you do reap from todays study. Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Thursday, September 15, 2016

2 Timothy 4:12-13 Go Tychicus go; Timothy bring me my coat please!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!  Jesus Help Me!
   2 Timothy 4: 12 And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus
This is an afterthought of Paul's where the "and" could be replaced with "but". But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.  Tychicus was a trusted servant of the living God with Paul.
In Ephesians 6:21 Paul refers to Tychicus as a beloved brother and a faithful minister in the Lord.
  13 The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.
 There are several ideas and interpretations on this verse. First, the cloke; one idea is that Paul left the cloke while ministering during the summer and now two things are upon Paul.  One, winter is approaching, and, two Paul is old, frail and in a cold damp prison.  Warmth of a cloke would be welcome.  Bring the books - especially the parchments.  Paul was a diligent student and wished to have the books.  The parchments would probably be the notes he had taken during his studies.  These are thoughts to be his notes of years of study and of being a faithful servant.
   Paul was quite diligent in his service for the LORD.  I only hope and pray that my service to the LORD be as acceptable as Paul's.  How about you?  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

2 Timothy 4:9-11 Paul beckons Timothy

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
   2 Timothy 4:  Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me:       So, what is Paul saying here?  Paul wants Timothy to come see him as soon as he can.  Why?   Paul wants to encourage Timothy to continue the good fight, plus, Paul want to be encouraged himself.  Paul is going to suffer death and would like to do so courageously.  Timothy is to continue carrying the cross of Christ and Paul knows some have deserted him in this time of toil and death.

10 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia
  Demas left Paul and went to Thessalonica where the his (Demas) secular views invited him. Or, in simple words, when the race became tough he went back to the easy and worldly ways. Possibly he was terrified by the fate that now stood in place for Paul; he was with Paul on Paul's first imprisonment.
     However, on the other hand, Crescens and Titus have left with Pauls consent or blessings. God is giving Paul the wisdom necessary at this time to see clearly the "writing on the wall" and what must happen.  Crescens is thought, by tradition, to be a preacher.  No more is really known about Titus going to Dalmatia.
11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.
Paul is telling Timothy that one of his fellow ministers, Luke is there with him. Luke, one of his fellow labourers in Christ was there with him to encourage him in this, Paul's final trial.  He (Paul) tells Timothy to bring Mark with him.  The theologians are not in total agreement of who this Mark is.  Some believe Mark of the original apostles and writer of Mark; some think him to be another Mark who has come to the brotherhood of Christ.  Either way, Paul says Mark is profitable to him for the ministry.  Mark, it is believed,  was once the one Paul sent back when he and Barnabas were together; but now has grown enough in Christ to be profitable to the ministry. Mark was John Mark, Barnabas' nephew.  Click here to see the disagreement in scripture between Paul and Barnabas.
To know more about Paul's final journey and some of his evangelizing click here.    
  Okay, today has been a wonderful journey for men, I do hope it was for you as well.  Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

2 Timothy 4:6-8 Run a good race - stay the course!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
  Well, we have visited about people having "itching ears" - wanting to hear only what pleases them and ignoring the truth. Also, that we, as evangelist, need to go forth and share the truth, the word of God, salvation to others.
   Paul at this point knows the end is near for him and is encouraging Timothy to continue on.  2 Timothy 4: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
  Paul either knows or senses that his time here is coming to a close.  In doing so Paul says, "I am now ready to be offered" - meaning he will be sacrificed or martyred for Jesus Christ.  Paul knows his time has come and is writing to encourage Timothy and others and wants them to be ready, when the time comes, be ready to go to heaven with God our Father in Heaven. Understand here, that Paul is in prison in Rome and awaiting the call from Nero to be sent (to be with Jesus) to death.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
  These words were meant to bring encouragement to Timothy and should be inspiring to us as well.  When you fight, you fight to win--not to lose.  Paul stayed the course, after his experience on the road to Damascus and coming face to face with Jesus, Paul "took up his cross" and stayed true to the course.  He preached the gospel, the way to salvation to all; to ones willing to hear, to ones will to harm, to ones who believeth not.  Paul stayed on the course, he did not lose the faith, and spread the word to all (fought the good fight).
   This is what we are called to do - to fight the good fight; stay the course; maintain our faith.  So much evil is lurking around us constantly, daily, at home, at work, in the world. LBGT movement, transgender restrooms, terrorist attacks, and people just scoffing at God.
  If we will stay true to the course, the commission that Jesus laid before us, what we (you and I) are to do we will win.  Just like running a race - you receive an award or medal for winning.  When we continue loving our brothers and sisters, sharing the gospel, and staying true to Jesus we will win. See what Paul says:
Henceforth there is laid up for me
 a crown of righteousness,
 which the Lord, the righteous judge,
 shall give me at that day:
and not to me only,
 but unto all them also
 that love his appearing.
  Will you run the race; stay the course?  I now rest my case. Love you all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

2 Timothy 4:5 Will you endure? Are you an evangelist?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
   Okay, today, get ready, Paul is going to lay out some really good information. Look at 2 Timothy 4: But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
  No commentaries or outside opinions; let's just go through this together. BUT YOU - this is speaking straight to you (put your name there).
   KEEP YOUR HEAD IN ALL SITUATIONS - this means to stop, to think, to let the wisdom of God lead you.  Be slow to anger, slow to speak, and quick to hear.
  ENDURE HARDSHIP - most of us think if we don't have the money to take a vacation, go out to eat, or do the "fun" things we have endured hardship.  Hardship is actual struggling - where is money for rent coming from, money for food, gas for the car, new tire for the car.  Hardship means doing WITHOUT the luxuries or "fun" things of life and actually struggling.  If you have never been broke, then you have not truly struggled (in my opinion). Been there, done that, ain't fun.
  DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST - a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.  Do you really share God's word with people DAILY?  If you don't take the opportunity to share salvation; then, would that be the same as saying "well, they can go to hell"?  When we should say let me share the eternal life plan with you.
DISCHARGE ALL THE DUTIES OF YOUR MINISTRY -  discharge means to let off, to give off, to fire out, to share.  Duties of your ministry - and what is that?  That is sharing the word of Jesus Christ, the way of salvation, planting the seeds and letting God germinate and grow the seed.  We don't save, only Jesus, but we are called to plant the seeds of salvation.  Where?  Into all the world! 
   If this one verse doesn't charge you up, then I am not sure what will.  As the ole hippy says, "go baby, go"!  Love you all.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2 Timothy 4:3-4 What do you want to hear?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
   Back to Timothy. Wow!  What a lot of good info, especially for todays world.
Let us look at the verses in KJV and NIV

2 Timothy 4:3-4King James Version (KJV)For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4New International Version (NIV)  3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

   Take time to digest these verses. First "the time will come" when what?  They - meaning the world, the people. What? will not wish to hear the common sense or Biblical doctrine or teachings.
  Then what? They will make rules, do things that are pleasing to their own desires, their wants, it is all about self.  Don't read something stupid like the Bible, just create your own rules - like transgender bathrooms. (this denies all common sense)
  Next, they will flock to and stick to the teachers who tell them what they want to hear.  Don't tell me the truth - lie to me so I will be happy with myself.  Ex: in competition EVERYONE gets a ribbon, medal or trophy.  Why? we want them to feel GOOD about themselves.  Wait! Whoa! You mean I am going to tell you that you did well when you ruined what you were doing, just so you could feel good about yourself.  How about, I show you what went wrong and we work together to correct it so you will, then, learn something and now feel good about yourself.
   Preachers from the pulpit say God wants you to prosper, do well, have money, have things, material things.  Where can you locate that in the Bible? People will quote Jeremiah 29:11 - but let us read it all in context. Click here to read it.  Start with verse 9 and get the context all the way through to verse 12.  It starts with false prophets - then ends with pray unto me and I (God) will hearken unto you.
God promises me salvation through Jesus Christ.  This is PRICELESS and my riches.  Quit listening to myths, rebuking the truth. You, YES YOU!!!!  GET INTO YOUR BIBLE AND SEE WHAT THE REAL WORD OF GOD SAYS.  I am talking to you, my daughters, my friends, my cousins, my brothers and sisters in Christ; and to me.
    Rebuke the lies our world leaders cast to us; our preachers, teachers, and professors lay down; and what the media tries to portray as the truth.  Search for yourself and get the real word of God; see what it says.  Love you all. Spread the word, the Biblical word!

Friday, September 2, 2016

James 1:15, 5 Lust brings death; wisdom brings deliverance

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  JESU JEVU!! Jesus Help Me!
   Well, I trust all has gone well this week with thee.  God takes care of us, even when we don't know or actually realize it.  Sleeping soundly I woke with the verse James 1:15 in my head; then James 1:5.  I do not know what God is telling me; if you understand dreams and why verses come to you in dreams, let you be the one to interpret this for me.
    James 1:15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
When we partake of things, like food, drink, visiting with friends, happiness; there is no sin. But, as the spider weaves his web, if this becomes greater and greater in our life, then it becomes a rope that ties us to it.  Example:  eating is not a sin; however, eating each meal to the state of being uncomfortable and miserable becomes gluttony, or sin.  Having a glass of wine with dinner is okay, but drinking  until the bottle is empty and you can hardly stand, again, is gluttony - you are a drunkard and sinned.
   So, what we have, and what we have we keep in moderation is a good thing; however we have to be aware that it could go from moderation to exaggeration.  When we get to exaggeration it brings forth sin.
   Sooooo, we all sin; we are born of sin nature.  Yeah, yeah, yeah!  This becomes a copout for too many people.  Well, I was born of sin nature and I'm only human.  Yes, we are only human, however, after accepting Jesus Christ as our LORD and saviour; a piece of perfect is in us.  This piece of perfect should grow and grow.  If it withers and dies, then what do we have at the end------death!  If we thrive in our lust, our sins, then the one who delights in our sin is satan.  He has won another wayward soul.
   Now, let me take you to James 1: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
   If you find you are caught in the spider web of lust (worldly things), then ask God for wisdom.  Look and see what we are told. If we lack wisdom--  you may say "well, I'm not stupid, I know" - that is not what I am saying.  We may lack wisdom in one area; yet have great wisdom in a different area.  EX: Maybe you are the best CPA in the world, but when tasting of the barley ale (beer or alcohol) you have no wisdom - you become an obnoxious drunk.  Ask God for wisdom and guess what?
   God gives wisdom to ALL MEN LIBERALLY.  UPBRAIDETH NOT -we are not rebuked or scolded for lack of wisdom.  Man, one, is deficient in wisdom; two, all we have to do is ask God for wisdom; and three, it will be given liberally (willingly with no strings attached).
  How great is all this?  So, what I am gathering from my wakening with these verses is that I have to be cautious in my lusts (wants) and not let them take over my life.  AND, all I have to do is ask God for wisdom and HE will grant it.  I have studied this before - obviously - I have not adhered to what I studied because it was given once again.  I ask your prayers for me in this area, my family, friends, church family, communities throughout America and the world -  the prayer that we will all, once again, return to GOD, leaving behind the lusts of the world. Thank you for enduring. Love you all.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Your charge, as was Timothy's 2 Timothy 4:1-2

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
  May God guide each word, thought, and action today.  If you look at 2nd Timothy 4 and see what Paul charges Timothy with:
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
  As we look, Paul tells Timothy "I charge thee"  - where - before God and Jesus.  And Jesus who will judge all when he returns.  So do you think Paul is gouging Timothy a bit here by saying "ya better git r right  fo Jesus comes back?"  Kinda of like saying wait until your daddy gets home. The quick and the dead talking about the alive at the time, and the ones who have already passed or died.  All will be judged.
     What is Timothy told to do?  PREACH the word.  Paul is trying to arouse Timothy to preach/teach the word with dedication, conviction, and confidence by saying 'be instant'.
    In season, out of season - Paul is saying this is a 24/7 commitment to Christ.  No matter what, preach the word, the true word, any hour, any where, at all times.  As I mentioned yesterday - let our reflection be the reflection of JESUS!
   Reprove - correct errors in teachings, and to call out the ones making the errors.
   Rebuke - same as reprove, but more stalwart, having resolve in correcting.
   Exhort - not only to watch over the flock, the Christians, but to also offer words of encouragement.
   Long suffering and doctrine - to not only reprove, rebuke and exhort, but to have lots of patience in teaching (doctrine) the people the word of God.  So, don't be angry and just chastise, but correct AND encourage.
   A book, the One Minute Manager, tells us when correcting do it in this order:  1. compliment; 2. correct; 3. compliment.  This sounds like what Paul is telling Timothy.  How can you apply this to your life?
   Look for the good.    Tell of the concern or correction.  End with good.   Food for thought. Love you all.
Soli Deo Gloria