God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED! Jesu Jevu! Good morning all.
Paul has written to Timothy and the church; warning them, encouraging
them and knowing what is to come. Now, close to the end of Timothy,
verse 18, Paul says:
18 And
the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me
unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Paul tells us the LORD shall deliver him from every evil work. This is an assumption of Paul’s confidence that the Lord not only had, in the late trial,
strengthened His servant, and given him courage to endure, but that He
would watch over him in the future which still lay before him.
By the strength God gave Paul, and his steadfast ministering of the
word of Jesus, he will come into the heavenly kingdom and live with
Christ forever. In short, Paul will be delivered from all the work, the
toil, the punishing he received on earth while doing God's work and be
residing in a heavenly place singing praises

and glorifying God forever.

Wow! What a great future to look forward to - being with God forever
and forever. When does that end? Never ! Yea! Are you ready to do
likewise? Love you all.
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