Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
What do you (we) know about the Apostles of Jesus Christ? It is kind
of like knowing just a little bit of karate, we know just enough to get
ourselves in trouble. This is why I am going to the apostles and look
at who they are. To know more about them and to be able to talk
intellectually about each one.
There was a tax collector
named Levi who was dishonest and driven by greed. (sounds like the IRS,
lol) We first meet Levi (Matthew) in Capernaum in his tax booth on the
main highway. He was collecting duties on imported goods brought by
farmers, merchants, and caravans.
Levi met Jesus and it is not clear if Jesus changed his name or he changed it. Matthew comes from Mattathias which means "the gift of God". The same day Jesus invited him to join him, he threw a feast at his home and invited people to come meet Jesus. The promised Messiah of the Jews. After this Matthew still collected; but instead of collecting money he began collecting souls for the LORD.
Matthew was sinful, but he was an accurate record keeper and could watch and evaluate people well. This served him well when he wrote the gospel of Matthew.
Here is a sinful, crooked tax collecting man who many would say is not a candidate to be a follower of Jesus Christ. However, when Jesus called him he immediately followed Jesus and did not look back. He left a life of wealth and security for a life of poverty and uncertainty.
Here was a man hated by the Jews; he cheated them, had them thrown in prison, and basically was not a nice man. Jesus called this offensive man to follow Him. He did!
Matthew did what we are called to do: abandon a world of pleasures for eternal life. Wow! After Jesus' Crucifixion tradition says that Matthew preached for 15 years; then went into the mission field and spread the gospel to other countries.
This is only one example of how God can use us. Being a follower of Jesus Christ and spreading the gospel does not depend on our education, our social status, our material possessions; it depends on our commitment to Jesus Christ. If we are open to the highest calling we could ever have in the world, being spokes person for Jesus Christ, then God will use us. Are you open and ready for a move? What is more important for you - your worldly life or being a minister of God? Love you all.
Deo Soli Gloria
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