Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Pencil---which pencil are you? Sharpened or dull?

 Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  You are so blessed to be a child of the living GOD!!!

  This morning I really felt God woke me with this word.  Talking to me, yet available to share with family and friends.
  Are you like a pencil?  When you get a new pencil it is blunt on one end and has an eraser on the other end.  Between the blunt end and the eraser is simply wood and graphite.  What can you do with this object?  You can look at it; hold it in your hand; lay it down somewhere; yet it has no real purpose.  So what do you do?
  Well, often this is what we do with our Bible.  It sits on the shelf, you can hold it in your hand, look at it, dust it, put it out for display,and yet it serves no purpose.
   So, we sharpen the pencil.  Now what?  We can write with it; draw with it; and do many more things with a sharpened pencil.  It comes to a point and is just what we need.  This can be our relationship with Jesus.  We sharpen our knowledge, go to him in prayer, go out into the world sharing the good news,and can produce good in his name.
   Then, the more we use the pencil it becomes dull.  Sometimes this is our relationship with the LORD.  Our relationship is still there, but becomes dull. We don't have the prayer time we used to have; we don't do the Bible study like we used to, and our relationship is still there but dull and only "when we think about it".  What do we do?  Just like the dull pencil, we have to sharpen it, so we get back into our Bible study, prayer time, and become closer to the LORD.
   As we sharpen the pencil it becomes shorter and shorter.  Yes, this is as our lives.   Our live span becomes shorter and shorter.  Once the pencil has been used up it can serve no more.  As are we, once we have served our purpose for the LORD, HE will then say "Well done good and faithful servant" and then call us home.
  You say this is all well and good, but you have not mentioned the eraser.  Oh yes, the eraser.  Just what is the purpose of the eraser?  The eraser on a pencil is there for the sole purpose of me, you, making a mistake.  We then turn the pencil over, erase the misteak------uh----mistake and continue on as if it never happened.  This is God in our lives.  He forgives us our mistakes and brings us back into fellowship, continues on and we continue to serve HIM.  
   Is your Christian life as the new pencil, sitting on the counter and doing nothing?  OR, as the sharpened pencil that is in relationship with the LORD, working for HIS kingdom, reading, praying, and sharing the Good News?
  Please pray for me and others that our lives will reflect activity and production as would a sharpened pencil.  Thank you for reading. Love y'all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

Friday, August 2, 2024

The final Pay day!

 Hello friends!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!

   Many thoughts are racing through my mind so I thought I would share some.  When is the final "PAYDAY"?  This is when we talk and walk with Jesus.  Okay, well......
   If I gave you a crisp $100 bill you would most likely take it and thank me for it.  But think about this, I am wearing my clothes where I just finished working on my car.  Grease and oil are splattered about on my clothes, my hands and arms are dirty and greasy.  Then you decide to come visit with me.
  When you show up, of course, I am greasy and dirty.  I am happy to see you and we fist bump so you won't get all dirty.  We sit and visit a few moments and then I say, "hey, I wanted to see you and I have something to give you".  
   Then I reach into my pocket and pull out a waded up, dirty $100 bill and offer it to you.  The bill is still worth $100, whether clean and crisp or dirty.  You take it and say thank  you.
   What you see is a $100 bill, whether it is crisp and new or dirty.  You still take the bill and thank me for it.
    Now, think of it this way:  That is the way Jesus sees you - you are worth something and He does not look at all the dirt in our lives.
   Everything we see, hear, and experience in life creates the creature we are. Whether it is clean and crisp or greasy and dirty, it fills our heart; yet, when we have Jesus as our savior He accepts us as we are.  However, if we are in a relationship with Jesus we will strive to be better in our daily lives and our hearts will grow in love for Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit.
    So, when the final payday does come Jesus will welcome us with open arms and we are with the savior of the world.  Praise God!
   Isn't GOD great!?!?    Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace