Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED! Jesu Jevu!
Peter - just who was he and what kind of man was he? Let's study 1
Peter and see what he has to say. First, let us look at his missionary
journeys. Where did he start?

Peter started in Jerusalem at the day of Penecost in 30 A.D. Three
thousand (3,000) were saved that day and you can read this in
Acts 2:14-41.
Now, as we move into Peter, please realize that Peter was mentioned
more than any other apostle that was with Jesus. 3,000 converts the day
of penecost; heals a lame man; he and John arrested and told not to
preach; leader of the church in Jerusalem; confronted
and Sapphira when they lie about the money they gave; Peter is the
spokesperson when arrested with another apostle; goes with John to
Sebaste in Samaria to pray for the new Samaritan believers to receive
the Holy Spirit; and on and on.
Peter is dominant with the apostles; however, he had to be humbled by Jesus before he became a strong leader and believer.
Jesus speaks to Peter more than any other apostle. Here are a few things to know about Jesus and Peter:1. Jesus rebuked Peter more than any other disciple.
2. Peter was the only disciple who dared to rebuke Jesus.
3. Peter confessed Jesus more boldly and accurately than any other disciple.
4. Peter denied Jesus more forcefully and publicly than any other disciple.
5. Jesus praised Peter more than any other disciple.
6. Peter alone among the disciples was addressed by Jesus as Satan.
Peter was mentioned in all 4 gospels. Here are a few references if you care to view them:
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