Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

often do we fall prey to the world around us and tend to "take matters
in our own hands"? We need to stop, listen, and pray. Stop what we are
doing in our own efforts. Listen to what God wants us to do. Then
Pray for his guidance and wisdom.
Tis easy to say, but so
often we fall prey instead of falling to pray. Does God answer? Yes,
but so often if it is not what we want we think HE does not hear, care,
or respond. HE does, our prayers ARE ANSWERED, just not necessarily the
way we envisioned them.
I see sorrow, terror, frustrations,
pain and suffering all around us. Over 300 people killed in the Muslim
Mosque by terrorists in Egypt. Over 2,000 killed on the highways of
Texas this year. First responders, innocent people, many killed for no
main purpose. Why?
Our strength comes from above and we
call Him GOD. We need to remember this and keep this in mind always.
Let us fall to pray; not fall to prey! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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