Questions to ponder: 1. Does the Bible teach we have to love everyone? AND, 2. Just because we can't see it does it mean it is not real? Hmmm! I am interested in replies to both questions.
Okay, on to 1 Samuel 17. What is happening here? Here is the situation-- the Philistines gathered their forces for war and came together at Socoh in Judah. The set up camp at Ephes Dammim, between Socoh and Azekah.
Well, Saul and the Israelites set up camp in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. So, the Philistines sit on one hill, the Israelites on another hill, and the valley between them is where the battle should take place. (see map below
Now there was a man from Gath named Goliath who stood about 9 feet 7 inches tall. He was all decked out in his battle gear, which was very heavy. He had a shield bearer who went ahead of him. Goliath stood and shouted at the Israelites challenging them, even belittled them. He issued a challenge, if you send someone out who defeats me we, the Philistines, will become your servants, BUT, if I defeat the one you send out YOU, the Israelites, will become servants of the Philistines.
Well, brave ole Saul (a man chosen by God) and the Israelites were terrified, Now to backtrack slightly, there was an old man named Jesse who had 8 sons. The three oldest, Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah, followed Saul to war. David was the youngest of the bunch.
Now you remember that David was fetched to play the harp for Saul when he was distressed. David went back and forth from Saul to Bethlehem to tend to his father's sheep. So David is in the picture at this time, only as a harp player to sooth Saul when evil came upon him.
Now, before we go further this is where I want you to stop and think about your faith. Here are the Israelites, GOD's chosen people, and when challenged by a man, yes, a very large man, they are struck by satans DOUBT DARTS and become afraid and terrified. What happened to their faith?
Don't we do this so often? We all are probably REALLY STRONG CHRISTIANS ON SUNDAY MORNINGS, BUT, when we leave the church or not around our church members is our faith as strong? Do you really believe? Do you share your belief with others? Or, are you afraid as were the Israelites to step out in faith?
I really am trying to get anyone who reads this to understand the true stories in the Bible, not just the glorified version we so often hear in Sunday School as children. Tomorrow, Davids actions and commitment. LOVE YOU ALL.
In Christ's Love and Grace,

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