I would like to take this time to share a couple of scriptures that reached out to me once again. Yes, you have read them, but so often we read them again and a new light is shed on the meaning.
F A I T H -Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Take a moment to meditate on this. Faith - substance of things hoped for------Our vision gives us evidence of what is in the world; however, FAITH- is the "sense" of the invisible, the spiritual world. Faith is a willingness to believe in, trust in, and rely on something. Example: have you "seen" God? No, but our faith tells us there is a living God.
Something to ponder. Let me move on to Matthew 13:24- 30 The parable of the weeds. The good seeds were planted, then during the night the enemy came and planted weeds among the good seeds. As they began to grow you did not really see a difference.
Then, as they grew stronger the weeds were intermingled with the wheat. The servants asked the master do we pull out the weeds. The answer was NO, as it would uproot the good while taking the bad. So what do we do?
The masters answer: 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
Can you see the parallel here where Jesus said HE was going to prepare us a place? We are the wheat to be taken into the barn.
The weeds will be what? Burned!! Satan and his disciples (demons) will be sent to burn in hell. Yet we all grow together and our job, our command, our obligation from Jesus Christ is to spread the gospel. The hardest is to family and close friends.
However, if we don't we are allowing them to walk the path to hell. Jesus spoke to a lot of people and these people had different reasons to follow. Some to see miracles, some just groupies, and some who were true disciples. Jesus chose 12, one of which he knew was a weed, yet he allowed him to be part of the disciples.
We, you and I, walk daily in a land that is moving stronger and stronger to the Judas side of life. We, you and I, need to be strong in our faith, be the wheat that grows tall and strong in order to withstand the tear down of the weeds.
Stand up my friend, be counted as not one of the weeds, but as the strong wheat to produce seeds to carry the work of Jesus Christ our Saviour and LORD!
Thank you for reading. Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace
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