Monday, February 17, 2025

Do we suffer because of sin?? Job 1:1

 Good morning everyone.  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

  Have you ever heard of someone telling someone else the reason they are not healed is because of lack of faith?  Why would a Christian say something like this to another?  How hurtful.
  You are where you are because of your sins?  If I drink, get drunk and fall down the stairs, then yes, it is due to my sin.  But this is not always true and why would we want to think this was so?
   Take Job, he was an upright person before the LORD and he lost everything, children, livestock, wealth, everything.
  His friends accused him of past sins and that was why he was in this situation. Job experienced excruciating pain and agony.  We can not imagine what all he went through, yet his "friends" did not come to support, but to accuse.
  Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.
  Are you able to look beyond the idea of sin in my past, your past, others past, and support each one through LOVE? 
    If sin is our reason for suffering, what sin did JESUS commit?  He suffered terrible beatings, pain, cursing and taunting. So what sin did he commit?  NONE!
   We live in a fallen world.  This is not heaven.  Bad things happen to good people, and worst things happen to some of the best people.  This is not because of sin.  Living in a fallen world, satan is alive and well and comes to steal and destroy.
   Stand strong on the word of God.  Forsake him not, and be a faithful servant to the one and only living GOD.  God, please bless each person that is reading this and let each one be loving and kind to those around them and accuse them not without cause.  Thank you. Love y'all.
In Christs Love and Grace

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