God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
What do we do when we experience tragedy? Financial problems? Marriage problems? Employment problems? Parenting problems? Health problems? or anything else---
Usually WE ( you and I) try to FIX it ourselves. Do we call upon God. Probably not. We look to ourselves or other "men" to help with the situation.
What did King Jehoshaphat do? 2 Chronicles 20:12 For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.
He is speaking to God and what????? His eyes are on the LORD!!!
So, where should our eyes be? What did Jehoshaphat do? He and all the people gathered to fast, pray, and cry out to God. So why did they do this? Because they were in terrible trouble, desperate need of help. What did they know? 1- they were powerless against the approaching army; 2- they did not know what to do; and 3- they then focused on God for deliverance.
When we stop and give it all to God we are showing dependence, humility, trust and obedience to the living God.
Do you have a problem that is festering in your iife? Then say a prayer to the LORD. Maybe like this:: O God, the only power that can solve this is your mighty power, I don't know what to do, but I will keep my eyes focused on you.
Take time today to thank the LORD, pray, be honest with God, and maybe even fast for your particular situation.
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