Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fear and propaganda or FAITH?

Good morning all!  First, I apologize for putting all the emails out on the "to" instead of the Bcc.  I try to keep your emails confidential and this email to only you.  Again, I do apologize.
   God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!  Jesu Jevu!
If you stop and think about all the effects different people, men and women, have had on the world you may stand in awe!  Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedo.  He never lost a battle in 15 years. That alone is pretty amazing.  He lived 356 before Christ.  He conquered with thousands upon thousands in his army.
   As we move on in history, there came a man who created massive fear and chaos in Europe - Hitler - who conquered many countries, again, with thousands upon thousands of troups.  Even young people were indoctrinated, aka brain washed, into Hitlers military youth.
   In 1938 a man came forth and created massive panic with just his voice, background voices of others, and just a single thing called radio airwaves.  Orsen Wells' broadcast of the War of the Worlds was heard by many, creating mass histeria and panic among the American population.
   It seems people can be intimidated by fear quite easily and this may provoke them to extreme measures, whether to fight or flight, to commit suicide, and just flee with no destination in sight.  It seems utterly amazing; but true.
   Today the media twists news to be what they wish it to be; create unrest among populations, ethnic groups, religious groups and anyone who will listen.  Our liberal media throws darts, daggers, and bullets at the conservative people.  Again, this is by using not just radio waves, but television broadcasts and satellite signals.
   Yet, there remains one who had no armies, had no airwaves, neither radio or television, who through the spoken word and just His breath has been able to make a difference in the world and still remains.  We see no Alexander the Great - he died!  We see no Hitler - he died or disappeared.  We do see the result of radio and television waves, yet those in charge change, are replaced, or die.
    The one who remains is JESUS CHRIST.  God breathed life in the nostrils of man. Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples and disciples to come (you and me). Jesus Christ died, AND ROSE AGAIN - so we are serving a living God!!
1 Corinthians 15:  (Paul speaking)
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
   Again, we serve a risen saviour.  We need not tread in fear of armies conquering; nor of the airwaves polluting our minds with propaganda, but REJOICE in the fact that we serve a living God.  Therein should lie all our faith.  I do hope this made sense to you all. Love you all.
Soli Deo Gloria

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