Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How strong is your faith? And, do you listen to God?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
  Well, sorry for the absence and I trust God has been good to you.  As Christians we tend to discuss and disagree over such small things.  I call it the "religion battle".  Saying this I mean denominations argue over different reasons why we should or should not do something.  You know the examples: is Saturday the true sabbath or Sunday?  Can you dance or not dance?  Can you partake of alcohol or not?  Can you play cards? Do you have to speak in tongues to be baptized with the Holy Spirit? There is speaking in tongues or it died at Pentecost. And we could go on and on with differences.  Do you see legalism here?
   The bottom line is:  Do you believe in Jesus Christ?  That He died for your sins?  Bottom line!
   Now, once we leave the trivial scene let's talk about your faith.  How strong is your faith.  Cassie Bernall, a student at Columbine when asked if she believed in Jesus said yes and was shot.  In the eyes of adversity and death could your answer be the same as hers?
   Do you listen to God?  How does He speak to you?  Abraham listened to God - whether audible, a burning bush or in his head - he did listen to God.  Then he took up his camp, wife Sarah, nephew Lot , families, servants and property and began a 1500 mile trek from Ur to Canaan.
   Now he did not know the lay of the land, how dangerous it would be, or how long it would take him - BUT - he did what the LORD told him to do.
   For some of us today we would say oh, I could make that journey in 2 days, maybe 3 days. Yes, traveling 60, 70 or faster.  Back in these days a good days travel would be 30 miles (and that would be pushing hard). And if they were able to do this (which they did not) then it would have been about a 2 month journey minimum.
   Now, would you take up your family, all belongings, and move if God called you to?  Would you leave behind all you have acquired over your 30, 40, 50, 60 years or more of acquisition?
  Abraham did in obedience to God.  Our call may be smaller. Your call may be to just read the Bible and study His word for 10 minutes, 30 minutes or so a day.  But do you?
   Your call may be to speak words of encouragement to someone on the street - but do you?  It may be to offer a helping hand, give a meal, - but do you?
   Oh, but we could all be as strong in faith as Cassie Bernall. What an example for young people, middle aged and old people. God, just grant me the discipline to be obedient to your calling and bring glory to you and your name. Amen!  Love you all.
In Christ's Love

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