Monday, December 11, 2017

I AM & Holy Spirit (Wind)

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  My computer tells me that another computer has my same IP address.  If you receive something from me that looks a little suspicious DON'T OPEN IT and then let me know.  Most of you will only receive my morning study so if anything else shows up - BEWARE!
    I am reading a book my sister-in-law and brother-in-law gave me that is wonderful and great reading.  It definitely stimulates thought on who I am, what I am doing and my spiritual life.
   Today I read about who is God, what is his name.  His name in Hebrew is YHVH which in English is "I AM".  In this it points out that when asked who you are we say "I am ............(your name)" .  Pointing out that we say his name when saying our name - I AM!   I AM is the sacred name of God.
  So, we all say HIS name when saying our name.  Why do you think this is? Our existence comes from HIS existence.  We, you and I, exist only because HE exists.  Our life, our everything comes from HIM - the great I AM! 
    His existence is first, then comes our existence.  So, we SHOULD put God, I AM, first before us and let everything we do come from this.  The secret of life is not to live life, but to live life for HIM, the great I AM!  Acts 17:28
   The Holy Spirit (Holy Wind in Hebrew)  This is a simple analogy.  If the wind is blowing strong today and you begin walking against that wind what happens?  It is as if you have an anchor impeding your progress.  Let's say the wind is blowing 15-20 mph (or 32 kilometers), then as you travel forward you are having to exert more effort, lean into the wind, and struggle.  Once you finally reach your destination you are worn and tired. 
    Now, it is time to return.  As you walk, stride, maybe glide with the wind to your back, once you return you are not tired, worn out, and the trip or mission was easy.  We are not fighting the force, but moving with the force (wind).
   This is how our life is with the Holy Spirit (Wind).  If we constantly go against the Holy Spirit we encounter many struggles and set backs.  However, if we let the Holy Spirit empower us, we will move forward and all we do will become easier.  Remember, if we walk in the Spirit, the Wind is at our back.  Today, see what part of your life is against the Spirit (Wind), turn it around and begin walking with the Wind (Spirit) at your back.  Click here to see 3 great scriptures, Acts 2:2; John 3:8; and Galatians 5:16-17.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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