Monday, June 3, 2024

Did you speak to God today?

 Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!

  Question--Did you go to a quiet place and was still, and knew God; spoke to God; and had a conversation with God?
  I found my quiet place, knelt, and prayed.  After this study I am going to have a conversation with God---just me and God!
  We, you, I, may be in the car and we can pray; maybe walking and then pray; maybe just sitting still and pray.  Whatever the case you find yourself--put down the phone, tablet, ipad, ipod, or whatever and take time to just visit with God.  It is very refreshing AND relaxing.  
  As a child of God we have an inheritance. First, in John 1:12 know that you are a child of God.  Once we are a child of God (Roman 5:1) I have peace with God.  Because we have accepted Christ (1 Cor. 3:16) The Holy Spirit lives in you.  Since the Holy Spirit resides in you,me,--(Jas 1:5) We have access to God''s wisdom.
  So, just take time today--now, at noon, driving, this afternoon or evening to just stop, put down whatever "squirrels" you are chasing and spend time with God.  If you say you don't have time you are only lying to yourself.  We make time for what we want to do.
  Now, just a side note.  Share the gospel of eternal life with someone. An atheist, Penn Jilette (we know him as Penn & Teller from tv) once made this statement and to think an atheist would say this should cause us to reflect on our sharing the gospel.  To quote Penn, "How much do you have to hate someone to not share the gospel of eternal life."  Think about this statement from an atheist.
   Will you share the gospel today?  Love you all. 
In Christ's Love and Grace

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