Thursday, June 27, 2024

My thoughts for the day!

 Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  YOU ARE BLESSED INDEED!!

  I thought I would share with you today something I penned many years ago. Hope you enjoy this tidbit.
   Quietly I sit, watch raindrops as they come down hitting the ground and racing forward.  Where are they going?
  No where....and no where fast!  They are as life, they begin as simple particles, slowly growing to maturity.  Once they reach maturity they are no longer tiny particles but become a complete drop of rain.
  They all vary in size and they make their descent.
  Some have a long way down, some short, as is life, to some life is short, others it is long.
  Then the raindrop hits the ground and breaks into many tiny particles, joining other drops and form a flow of water.  
   We are as raindrops, grow to maturity, join with family and friends, and "flow" our way.  However, unlike raindrops, we do not shatter and break apart.  We come to an end, yet we continue on, joining bands of angels praising God for eternity.
  God is good.  Thanks for reading. Love y'all. Hope this makes sense to you.
In Christ's Love and Grace

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