Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Have you gone before the LORD and prayed?

 Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good!  Have you gone before the LORD and earnestly prayed this morning?

   In 1 Samuel, Hannah is hurting.  She is barren and Elkanah, her husband has another wife, Peninnah, who has children.  Because Hannah is barren she is treated harshly by Peninnah, and not given much by her husband.
  She is desperate and goes to the temple to pray.  Eli, the priest is there, thinks she is drunk and scolds her. She saids she is not drunk but her soul is in sorrow.  Eli tells her that the pray she cast forward will be answered.
  To shorten the story, yes, she became pregnant and dedicated her child, Samuel, to the LORD.
   What did she do in her desperate and hurting time?  She went before the LORD and asked GOD to take away her pain.  There was not an immediate answer, but an answer when God saw it to be.
   Do you, do I take the time to go before the LORD and ask for help in our time of desperation, time of need, time of hurt?  OR, do we try to solve it ourselves?
  How we respond to our fears, our weaknesses, our time of desolation determines the person we are or will become.  Where do you run first?  To God or yourself?
   Often I have the tendency to want to "fix" it myself.  But I am learning to lean on and depend on God more and more.  Just be patient, HE will answer.
Thank you for reading today. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace

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